• mn

Trade Reports



( 44.39 0.08% )
Index Unit Change
Top 20 Index 52743.27 44.39
MSE A Index 20531.3 -8.38
MSE B Index 15384.53 -161.03



2025-02-21 17:30:00

Total trade: MNT 6,775,112,103 (USD 1,956,897.58)


2025-02-21 10:52:56

The company announced that it will distribute a dividend of 495,414,383.20 MNT, calculated as 30% of its net profit from financial operations for 2024, with the dividend per share being 23.62 MNT.


2025-02-20 16:49:11

Total trade: MNT 17,124,101,547 (USD 4,948,289.91)

Underwriter operation


№  Company name Listed date Total amount Underwriting company
1 Mongol shiltgeen 5/25/2005 800,000,000  
2 Zoos bank 2/14/2006 2,022,528  Ace & T capital
3 Genco tour bureau 17/01/2006 8,259,239,676 BDSec
4 BDSec 22/06/2006  750,000,000 BDSec
5 HBOil 2/5/2007  400,000,000 BDSec
6 Olloo 12/9/2007 582,029,900 National securities
7 Hermes centre 16/05/2008 2,356,290,000 Bats
8 Anod bank 19/05/2008   20,107,624,620  National securities
9 Remicon 19/05/2008  5,048,820,200 DCF
10 Naco tulsh  24/06/2008 270,264,655 BDSec
11 Khukh gan  30/07/2008 3,195,456,280 BDSec
12 E-Trans logistic  09/04/2014 924,000,000 BDSec
13 Merex  14/01/2014 2,600,000,000 Stendart investment
14 Mic Holding  21/12/2015 37,276,776,000 TDB securities
15 Itools 9/27/2017 1,338,798,000 Standart investment
16 LendMN 1/26/2018 5,000,000,000 Mirae asset securities Mongol
17 Mongol basalt 4/5/2018 6,431,538,000 Bumbat-Altai
18 Erdene resourse development corporation 4/4/2018 2,494,720,000 BDSc
19 Mandal Insuranse 5/17/2018 7,491,619,200 Golomt capital
20 Ard insurance 6/13/2018 5,250,000,000 BDSec
21 Tumen shuvuut 2/18/2019 10,000,000,000 Golomt capital
22 Ard credit 3/11/2019 5,285,000,000 Ulzii & Co capital
23 Monos khuns 5/20/2019 8,585,858,960 Golomt capital
24 Invescore NBFI 6/10/2019 18,586,497,300 TDB securities
25 Bodi insurance 6/15/2020 5,318,225,672 BDSec
26 Central express CVS 8/31/2021 24,952,940,480 Golomt capital
27 Bogd bank 11/3/2021 31,750,000,000 MICC
28 Mon beef 6/17/2022 2,892,856,500 Apex
29 Sendly NBFI 7/26/2022 10,050,000,000 Ulzii & Co capital
30 State bank 10/10/2022 25,426,787,500 Ulzii & Co capital
31 Golomt bank 12/5/2022 118,815,152,890 Invescore capital
32 Mongolian stock exchange 12/12/2022 11,915,760,300 Invescore capital
33 Gazar shim 1/19/2023 10,499,999,971 Novel investment
34 Khaan bank 12/9/2022 183,379,788,200 BDSec
35 Trade development bank  05/31/2023 83,491,551,000 Mirae asset securities Mongol
36 Khas bank 5/5/2023 35,677,900,000 Rhinos investment
37 Monlogistics Holding 6/14/2023 10,958,082,070 Mandal capital markets
38 Innovation investment 7/20/2023 8,319,964,050 Ulzii & Co capital

                                                                              /On the date of issuance of the FRC resolution/


№  Symbol Company name Listed date Total amount Underwriting company
1 ADB  Ard credit 2023.08.04 8,904,000,000 Standart investment
2 AMT  Erdenet solutions 2022.07.06 1,912,264,632 Goodsec
3 INV Invescore 2022.06.03 16,687,988,265 Golomt capital
4 ERDN Erdene resource development corporation 2021.09.03 14,249,999,530 BDSec
5 ADU Khuvsgul altan duulga 2018.06.18 3,744,760,000 Bumbat-Altai
6 BAN Baganuur  2016.05.18 0 TDB capital
7 MNP Mongolian post  2015.12.22 6,263,982,155 Gauli
8 BHR Binse  2015.05.04 744,000,000 National securities
9 BDS BDSec  - 100,000,000 BDSec
10 SHG sharyn gol  2011.10.13 18,301,439,069 BDSec
11 SIL Silicate 2011.05.06 3,650,017,500 BDSec
12 SHG Sharyn gol  2011.01.13 5,456,047,716 BDSec
13 HBO HBOil  2010.08.25 728,474,814 BDSec
14 NKT Naco tulsh  2010.08.25 270,264,655 BDSec
15 BDS BDSec  2008.06.12 2,625,346,500 BDSec
16 HBO HBOil  2007.11.29 600,000,000 BDSec
17 MIB Moninjbar  2007.01.16 1,000,000,000 BDSec

                                                    /On the date of registration with the MSE/